Executive Developmental plans are developed within a Coaching process that aligns with the organization's culture and values.
Psychometric assessments and interviews, of individual and/or team members, are used in the formulation of the developmental plan. During the Coaching program measurable developmental goals are established with specific dates of reviews.
Effective teams are paramount to productivity, organizational morale, employee retention and profit.
A structured team process is employed to measure the team's current functioning level.
The process helps to identify what the team is doing well so those behaviors can be reinforced and generalized where possible. The challenges the team has are also identified in order for the development of pragmatic and effective solutions. These solutions are aimed to elevate the team's communication, cohesion and collaboration. This structured team process is employable at any stage of the team's development.
Through the use of standardized psychometric measures, and a structured interview, selecting the right candidate becomes more objective.
Confident succession planning can be developed by using standardized psychometric measures and objective structured interviews targeted to the organization's current environment and future business needs.